Package 'regMMD'

Title: Robust Regression and Estimation Through Maximum Mean Discrepancy Minimization
Description: The functions in this package compute robust estimators by minimizing a kernel-based distance known as MMD (Maximum Mean Discrepancy) between the sample and a statistical model. Recent works proved that these estimators enjoy a universal consistency property, and are extremely robust to outliers. Various optimization algorithms are implemented: stochastic gradient is available for most models, but the package also allows gradient descent in a few models for which an exact formula is available for the gradient. In terms of distribution fit, a large number of continuous and discrete distributions are available: Gaussian, exponential, uniform, gamma, Poisson, geometric, etc. In terms of regression, the models available are: linear, logistic, gamma, beta and Poisson. Alquier, P. and Gerber, M. (2024) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asad031> Cherief-Abdellatif, B.-E. and Alquier, P. (2022) <doi:10.3150/21-BEJ1338>.
Authors: Pierre Alquier [aut, cre] , Mathieu Gerber [aut]
Maintainer: Pierre Alquier <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.0.1
Built: 2025-02-24 04:32:47 UTC

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MMD estimation


Fits a statistical models to the data, using the robust procedure based on maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) minimization introduced and studied in Briol et al. (2019); Chérief-Abdellatif and Alquier (2022).


mmd_est(x, model, par1, par2, kernel, bdwth, control= list())



Data. Must be a vector for univariate models, a matrix of dimension n by d, where n is the sample size and d the dimension of the model.


Parametric model to be fitted to the data. No default. See details for the list of available models.


First parameter of the model. In models where the first parameter is fixed, it is necessary to provide a value for par1. In models where the first parameter is estimated, par1 can be used to provide an alternative to the default initialization of the optimization algorithms.


Second parameter of the model (if any). In models where the second parameter is fixed, it is necessary to provide a value for par2. In models where the first parameter is estimated,par2 can be used to provide an alternative to the default initialization of the optimization algorithms.


Kernel to be used in the MMD. Available options for kernel are "Gaussian" (Gaussian kernel), "Laplace" (Laplace, or exponential, kernel) and "Cauchy" (Cauchy kernel). By default, kernel="Gaussian"


Bandwidth parameter for the kernel. bdwth must be a strictly positive real number. By default, the value of bdwth is chosen using the median heuristic (Garreau et al. 2017).


A list of control parameters for the numerical optimization of the objective function. See details.


Available options for model are:


Beta distribution with pdf  xa1(1x)(b1)~x^{a-1}(1-x)^(b-1) on [0,1][0,1], par1=a=a and par2=b=b are both estimated.


Binomial distribution with pmf  px(1p)Nx~p^{x}(1-p)^{N-x} on {0,1,...,N}\{0,1,...,N\}, par1=N=N and par2=p=p are both estimated. Note that in this case, if the user specifies a value for NN, it is used as an upper bound rather than an initialization.


Binomial distribution with pmf  px(1p)Nx~p^{x}(1-p)^{N-x} on {0,1,...,N}\{0,1,...,N\}, par1=N=N is fixed and must be specified by the user while par2=p=p is estimated.


Binomial distribution with pmf  px(1p)Nx~p^{x}(1-p)^{N-x} on {0,1,...,N}\{0,1,...,N\}, par1=N=N is estimated while par2=p=p fixed and must be specified by the user. Note that in this case, if the user specifies a value for NN, it is used as an upper bound rather than an initialization.


Cauchy distribution with pdf  1/(1+(xm)2)~1/(1+(x-m)^2), par1=m=m is estimated.


Uniform distribution with pdf  1~1 on [mL/2,m+L/2][m-L/2,m+L/2], par1=m=m is estimated while par2=L=L is fixed and must be specified by the user.


Uniform distribution with pdf  1~1 on [a,b][a,b], par1=a=a is fixed and must be specified by the user while par2=b=b is estimated.


Uniform distribution with pdf  1~1 on [a,b][a,b], par1=a=a and par2=b=b are estimated.


Dirac mass at point aa on the reals, par1=a=a is estimated.


Uniform distribution with pmf  1~1 on {1,2,..,M}\{1,2,..,M\}, par1=M=M is estimated. Note that in this case, if the user specifies a value for MM, it is used as an upper bound rather than an initialization.


Exponential distribution with pdf  exp(bx)~\exp(-b x) on positive reals R+R_+, par1=b=b is estimated.


Gamma distribution with pdf  xa1exp(bx)~x^{a-1}\exp(-b x) on positive reals R+R_+, par1=a>=0.5=a>=0.5 and par2=b=b are estimated.


Gamma distribution with pdf  xa1exp(bx)~x^{a-1}\exp(-b x) on positive reals R+R_+, par1=a>=0.5=a>=0.5 is estimated while par2=b=b is fixed and must be specified by the user.


Gamma distribution with pdf  xa1exp(bx)~x^{a-1}\exp(-b x) on positive reals R+R_+, par1=a>=0.5=a>=0.5 is fixed and must be specified by the user while par2=b=b is estimated.


Gaussian distribution with pdf exp((xm)2/2s2)~\exp(-(x-m)^2/2s^2) on reals RR, par1=m=m and par2=s=s are estimated.


Gaussian distribution with pdf  exp((xm)2/2s2)~\exp(-(x-m)^2/2s^2) on reals RR, par1=m=m is estimated while par2=s=s is fixed and must be specified by the user.


Gaussian distribution with pdf  exp((xm)2/2s2)~\exp(-(x-m)^2/2s^2) on reals RR, par1=m=m is fixed and must be specified by the user while par2=s=s is estimated.


Geometric distribution with pmf  p(1p)x~p(1-p)^x on {0,1,2,...}\{0,1,2,...\}, par1=p=p is estimated.


Dirac mass at point aa on RdR^d, par1=a=a (dd-dimensional vector) is estimated.


Gaussian distribution with pdf  exp((xm)UU(xm)~\exp(-(x-m)'U'U(x-m) on RdR^d, par1=m=m (dd-dimensional vector) and par2=U=U (dd-dd matrix) are estimated.


Gaussian distribution with pdf  exp(xm2/2s2)~\exp(-\|x-m\|^2/2s^2) on RdR^d, par1=m=m (dd-dimensional vector) is estimated while par2=s=s is fixed.


Gaussian distribution with pdf  exp((xm)UU(xm)~\exp(-(x-m)'U'U(x-m) on RdR^d, par1=m=m (dd-dimensional vector) is fixed and must be specified by the user while and par2=U=U (dd-dd matrix) is estimated.


Pareto distribution with pmf  1/xa+1~1/x^{a+1} on the reals >1>1, par1=a=a is estimated.


Poisson distribution with pmf  bx/x!~b^x/x! on {0,1,2,...}\{0,1,2,...\}, par1=b=b is estimated.

The control argument is a list that can supply any of the following components:


Length of the burn-in period in GD or SGD. burnin must be a non-negative integer and defaut burnin==500500.


Number of iterations performed after the burn-in period in GD or SGD. nsetps must be an integer strictly larger than 2 and by default nsteps=10001000


Stepsize parameter. An adaptive gradient step is used (adagrad), but it is possible to pre-multiply it by stepsize. It must be strictly positive number and by default stepsize=11


Parameter used in adagrad to avoid numerical errors in the computation of the step-size. epsilon must be a strictly positive real number and by default epsilon=10410^{-4}.


Optimization method to be used: "EXACT" for exact, "GD" for gradient descent and "SGD" for stochastic gradient descent. Not all methods are available for all models. By default, exact is preferred to GD which is prefered to SGD.


MMD_est returns an object of class "estMMD".

The functions summary can be used to print the results.

An object of class estMMD is a list containing the following components:


Model estimated


In models where the first parameter is fixed, this is the value par1 fixed by the user. In models where the first parameter is estimated, this is the initialization of the optimization procedure


In models where the second parameter is fixed, this is the value par2 fixed by the user. In models where the second parameter is estimated, this is the initialization of the optimization procedure


Kernel used in the MMD


Bandwidth used. That is, either the value specified by the user, either the bandwidth computedby the median heuristic


Number of steps in the burnin of the GD or SGD algorithm


Number of steps in the GD or SGD algorithm


Stepize parameter in GD or SGD


Parameter used in adagrad to avoid numerical errors in the computation of the step-size


Optimization method used


Error message (if any)


Estimated parameter(s)


Takes the value "est"


Briol F, Barp A, Duncan AB, Girolami M (2019). “Statistical inference for generative models with maximum mean discrepancy.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.05944.

Chérief-Abdellatif B, Alquier P (2022). “Finite Sample Properties of Parametric MMD Estimation: Robustness to Misspecification and Dependence.” Bernoulli, 28(1), 181-213.

Garreau D, Jitkrittum W, Kanagawa M (2017). “Large sample analysis of the median heuristic.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.07269.


#simulate data
x = rnorm(50,0,1.5)

# estimate the mean and variance (assuming the data is Gaussian)
Est = mmd_est(x, model="Gaussian")

# print a summary

# estimate the mean (assuming the data is Gaussian with known standard deviation =1.5)
Est2 = mmd_est(x, model="Gaussian.loc", par2=1.5)

# print a summary

# estimate the standard deviation (assuming the data is Gaussian with known mean = 0)
Est3 = mmd_est(x, model="Gaussian.scale", par1=0)

# print a summary

# test of the robustness
x[42] = 100


# estimate the mean and variance (assuming the data is Gaussian)
Est4 = mmd_est(x, model="Gaussian")

MMD regression


Fits a regression model to the data, using the robust procedure based on maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) minimization introduced and studied in Alquier and Gerber (2024).


mmd_reg(y, X, model, intercept, par1, par2, kernel.y, kernel.x, bdwth.y, bdwth.x, 
        control= list())



Response variable. Must be a vector of length n3n\geq 3.


Design matrix. X must be either a matrix of dimension n×pn\times p or a vector of size nn, where nn is the size of y.


Regression model to be fitted to the data. By default, the linear regression model with N1(0,ϕ2)\mathcal{N}_1(0,\phi^2) error terms is used. See details for the list of available models.


If intercept=TRUE an intercept is added to the model, while no intercept is added if intercept=FALSE. By default, intercept=TRUE.


Values of the regression coefficients of the model used as starting values to numerically optimize the objective function. par1 must be either a vector of size pp, with pp the number of columns of X (or with p=1p=1 if X is a vector), or equal to "auto", in which case a non-robust estimate of the regression coefficients of the model is used as starting values. By default, par1="auto".


A value for the auxilliary parameter ϕ\phi of the model. par2 needs to be specified only if relevant (see details for the list of models having an auxilliary parameter ϕ\phi). If the model assumes that ϕ\phi is known (see details) then par2 must be a strictly positive real number and the model is estimated with ϕ=\phi=par2. If the model assumes that ϕ\phi is unknown (see details) then the value specified by par2 is used as starting value to numerically optimize the objective function. For such models par2 must be either a strictly positive real number or equal to "auto", in which case a non-robust estimate of ϕ\phi is used as starting value. By default, par2="auto".


Kernel applied on the response variable. Available options for kernel.y are "Gaussian" (Gaussian kernel), "Laplace" (Laplace, or exponential, kernel) and "Cauchy" (Cauchy kernel). By default, kernel.y="Gaussian" for the linear regression model and kernel.y="Laplace" for the other models.


Kernel applied on the explanatory variables. Available options for kernel.x are "Gaussian" (Gaussian kernel), "Laplace" (Laplace, or exponential, kernel) and "Cauchy" (Cauchy kernel). By default, kernel.x="Laplace".


Bandwidth parameter for the kernel kernel.y. bdwth.y must be eiter a strictly positive real number or equal to "auto", in which case the median heuristic is used to select the bandwidth parameter of kernel.y (see details). By default, bdwth.y="auto".


Bandwidth parameter for the kernel kernel.x. bdwth.x must be either a non-negative real number or equal to "auto", in which case a rescaled version of the median heuristic is used to specify the bandwidth parameter of kernel.x (see details). By default, bdwth.x=0. Remark: for computational reasons, for large dataset (i.e.~when the sample size is bigger than a few thousands) it is recommended to choose bdwth.x=0 (see details).


A list of control parameters for the numerical optimization of the objective function. See details.


Available options for model are:


Linear regression model with N1(0,ϕ2)\mathcal{N}_1(0,\phi^2) error terms, with ϕ\phi unknown.


Linear regression model with N1(0,ϕ2)\mathcal{N}_1(0,\phi^2) error terms, with ϕ\phi known.


Gamma regression model with unknown shape parameter ϕ\phi. The inverse function is used as link function.


Gamma regression model with known shape parameter ϕ\phi. The inverse function is used as link function.


Beta regression model with unknown precision parameter ϕ\phi. The logistic function is used as link function.


Beta regression model with known precision parameter ϕ\phi. The logistic function is used as link function.


Logistic regression model.


Exponential regression.


Poisson regression model.

When bdwth.x>0 the function reg_mmd computes the estimator θ^n\hat{\theta}_n introduced in Alquier and Gerber (2024). When bdwth.x=0 the function reg_mmd computes the estimator θ~n\tilde{\theta}_n introduced in Alquier and Gerber (2024). The former estimator has stronger theoretical properties but is more expensive to compute (see below).

When bdwth.x=0 and model is "linearGaussian", "linearGaussian.loc" or "logistic", the objective function and its gradient can be computed on O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) operations, where nn is the sample size (i.e. the dimension of y). In this case, gradient descent with backtraking line search is used to perform the minimizatiom. The algorithm stops when the maximum number of iterations maxit is reached, or as soon as the change in the objective function is less than eps_gd times the current function value. In the former case, a warning message is generated. By defaut, maxit=5×1045\times 10^4 and eps_gd=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), and the value of these two parameters can be changed using the control argument of reg_mmd.

When bdwth.x>0 and model is "linearGaussian", "linearGaussian.loc" or "logistic", the objective function and its gradient can be computed on O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) operations. To reduce the computational cost the objective function is minimized using norm adagrad (Duchi et al. 2011), an adaptive step size stochastic gradient algorithm. Each iteration of the algorithm requires O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) operations. However, the algorithm has an intialization step that requires O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2) operations and has a memory requirement of size O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2).

When model is not in c("linearGaussian", "linearGaussian.loc", "logistic"), the objective function and its gradient cannot be computed explicitly and the minimization is performed using norm adagrad. The cost per iteration of the algorithm is O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) but, for bdwth.x>0, the memory requirement and the initialization cost are both of size O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^2).

When adagrad is used, burnin iterations are performed as a warm-up step. The algorithm then stops when burnin+maxit iterations are performed, or as soon as the norm of the average value of the gradient evaluations computed in all the previous iterations is less than eps_sg. A warning message is generated if the maximum number of iterations is reached. By default, burnin=10310^3, nsteps=5×1045\times 10^4 and eps_sg=10510^{-5} and the value of these three parameters can be changed using the control argument of reg_mmd.

If bdwth.y="auto" then the value of the bandwidth parameter of kernel.y is equal to Hn/2H_n/\sqrt{2} with HnH_n the median value of the set {yiyj}i,j=1n\{|y_i-y_j|\}_{i,j=1}^n, where yiy_i denote the ith component of y. This definition of bdwth.y is motivated by the results in Garreau et al. (2017). If Hn=0H_n=0 the bandwidth parameter of kernel.y is set to 1.

If bdwth.x="auto" then the value of the bandwidth parameter of kernel.x is equal to 0.01Hn/20.01H_n/\sqrt{2} with HnH_n is the median value of the set {xixj}i,j=1n\{\|x_i-x_j\|\}_{i,j=1}^n, where xix_i denote the ith row of the design matrix X. If Hn=0H_n=0 the bandwidth parameter of kernel.x is set to 1.

The control argument is a list that can supply any of the following components:


If rescale=TRUE the (non-constant) columns of X are rescalled before perfoming the optimization, while if rescale=FLASE no rescaling is applied. By default rescale=TRUE.


A non-negative integer.


A non-negative real number.


A non-negative real number.


A integer strictly larger than 2.


Scaling constant for the step-sizes used by adagrad. stepsize must be a stictly positive number and by default stepsize=1.


If trace=TRUE then the parameter value obtained at the end of each iteration (after the burn-in perdiod for adagrad) is returned. By default, trace=TRUE and trace is automatically set to TRUE if the maximum number of iterations is reached.


Parameter used in adagrad to avoid numerical errors in the computation of the step-sizes. epsilon must be a strictly positive real number and by default epsilon=10410^{-4}.


Parameter for the backtraking line search. alpha must be a real number in (0,1)(0,1) and by default alpha=0.8.


Parameter used to control the computational cost of the algorithm when gamma.x>0>0, see the Suplementary material in Alquier and Gerber (2024) for mode details. c_det must be a real number in (0,1)(0,1) and by default c_det=0.2.


Parameter used to control the computational cost of the algorithm when bdwth.x>0>0, see the Suplementary material in Alquier and Gerber (2024) for mode details. c_rand must be a real number in (0,1)(0,1) and by default c_rand=0.1.


MMD_reg returns an object of class "regMMD".

The function summary can be used to print the results.

An object of class regMMD is a list containing the following components:


Estimated regression coefficients.


If intercept=TRUE an intercept has been added to model, if intercept=FALSE no intercept has been added.


If relevant (see details), either the estimated value of the ϕ\phi parameter of model, or the value of ϕ\phi used to fit the model if ϕ\phi is assumed to be known.


Kernel applied on the response variable used to fit the model.


Value of the bandwidth for the kernel applied on the response variable used to fit the model.


Kernel applied on the explanatory variables used to fit the model.


Value of the bandwidth for the kernel applied on the explanatory variables used to fit the model.


Value of the parameter par1 used to fit the model.


Value of parameter par2 used to fit the model.


If the control parameter trace=TRUE, trace is a matrix containing the parameter values obtained at the end of each iteration of the optimization algorithm.


Alquier P, Gerber M (2024). “Universal robust regression via maximum mean discrepancy.” Biometrika, 111(1), 71-92.

Duchi J, Hazan E, Singer Y (2011). “Adaptive subgradient methods for online learning and stochastic optimization.” Journal of machine learning research, 12(7), 2121-2159.

Garreau D, Jitkrittum W, Kanagawa M (2017). “Large sample analysis of the median heuristic.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.07269.


#Simulate data

##Example 1: Linear Gaussian model 
Est<-mmd_reg(y, X)

##Example 2: Logisitic regression model
Est<-mmd_reg(y, X, model="logistic")
Est<-mmd_reg(y, X, model="logistic", bdwth.x="auto")

Summary method for the class "estMMD"


Summary method for the class "estMMD"


## S3 method for class 'estMMD'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class "estMMD".


Additional arguments (not used).


No return value, called only to print information on the output of "estMMD".

Summary method for the class "regMMD"


Summary method for the class "regMMD"


## S3 method for class 'regMMD'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class "regMMD".


Additional arguments (not used).


No return value, called only to print information on the output of "regMMD".